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    Apparent Slogger 5 Litre

    Manufacturer: Apparent
    SKU: 12681
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    For the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut stump/brushcutter application and control of blackberry, gorse and harrisia cactus by foliage spray as specified in the Directions for Use. Types of Application / Situation / Weed Stem Injection Application Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way. Acacia (except Qld) Angophora Casuarina Corymbia Eucalyptus (except Yellow box) Lophostemon and Melaleuca species Camphor Laurel. Cut Stump/Brushcutter Application Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way. Acacia (except QLD) Angophora Casuarina Corymbia Eucalyptus (except Yellow box) Lophostemon species. High Volume Spraying Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way. Blackberry Gorse Harrisia cactus. Refer to the Apparent Slogger Herbicide Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.