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    Apparent Dicamba 500 5L

    SKU: 6272
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    For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, conservation tillage, sugar cane, turf, rice, grain sorghum and non-crop areas. Crop / Weeds Wheat, Oats, Barley, Triticale, Commercial Rye From 5 leaf to early tillering (Zadoks (15-22) Wheat, Oats, Barley, Triticale, Commercial Rye From 5 leaf early tillering stage until the fully tillered stage and before jointing occurs (Zadoks 15, 21-30) Wheat, Barley, Triticale, Commercial Rye From early tillering (4 to 5 fully emerged main stem leaves, plus one or more tillers) until fully tillered and before the start of jointing (Zadoks 21-30) Barley, Triticale, Commercial Rye From 5 leaf until fully tillered and before jointing occurs (Zadoks 21 30). Wheat, Oats From 5 leaf until fully tillered and before jointing occurs (Zadoks 15 30) Grain Sorghum From 3 leaf stage until 6 leaf stage Maize Post emergence until maize is approx. 90 cm high or until 15 days prior to tassle emergence. Grain Sorghum From 3 leaf stage until 6 leaf stage Rice, Pre Sowing, Post Sowing either before permanent water or until rice is at the midtillering stage Pinus radiata Plantations At least 10 months prior to planting pines Sugarcane (Post-emergence) Potatoes Grass Pastures And Perennial Grass Non-Crop Situation Grass Pastures and Non-Crop Turf Woody Species Seed Bed Salvage, Conservation tillage, Direct Drilling For weed control in fallow, stubble or pasture prior to sowing with a full disturbance implement. Direct Drilling, conservation tillage, non-till fallow, minimum tillage and all between cropping applications Refer to the Apparent Dicamba 500 Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.